Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Wartime Sexual Violence: 20th Century:

Types: Wartime Sexual Violence:

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C a t e g o r i e s

War Crimes by Nations: British War Crimes, Bulgarian War Crimes, Finnish War Crimes, French War Crimes, German War Crimes, Hungarian War Crimes, Italian War Crimes, Japanese War Crimes, Polish War Crimes, Romanian War Crimes, Russian War Crimes, Ukrainian War Crimes, U.S. War Crimes


[Info] Bischl, Kerstin. Gender and Violence in the "Great Patriotic War" in the Soviet Union. Sexual Violence in World War II. Bonn 2010.

[Info] Bos, Pascale. Memories of a Gendered Violation: Wartime Sexual Violence and the Question of Jewish Women. 11th Biennial Lessons and Legacies Conference Boca Raton 2010.

[Info] Bos, Pascale R. Her flesh is branded: For Officers Only . Imagining and Imagined Sexual Violence against Jewish Women during the Holocaust. Expanding Perspectives on the Holocaust in a Changing World. Edited by Hilary Earl et al. Evanston 2014: 59-85.

[Info] Bourke, Joanna. Wartime Rape: The Politics of Making Visible. Liberal Democracies at War: Conflict and Representation. Edited by Andrew Knapp et al. London 2013: 135-156.

[Info] Conolly-Smith, Peter. Race-ing Rape: Representations of Sexual Violence in American Combat Films. War & Society 32 (2013): 233-251.

[Info] Fure, Jorunn S. Kvinnelige erfaringer og mannlige erindringer: Betraktninger om tysk erindringskultur knyttet til det milit re sammenbruddet i st og kapitulasjonen 1944 1945. Den vanskelige historien: Agderseminaret 2011. Edited by Bj rg Seland. Kristiansand 2012: 33-54.

[Info] Galantino, Maria G. La memoria presente: rappresentazione sociali dei giovani sugli stupri del 1944 nel Basso Lazio. Stupri di guerra. La violenza di massa contro le donne nel Novecento. Edited by Marcello Flores. Milan 2010: 137-157.

[Info] Gribaudi, Gabriella. Le memorie plurali e il racconto pubblico della guerra. Il ruolo delle fonti orali nella riflessione storiografica sul secondo conflitto mondiale. Italia Contemporanea No. 275 (2014): 217-249.

[Info] Ka?wa, Dobrochna. Gender Politics and Sexual Violence in Occupied Poland. Sexual Violence in World War II. Bonn 2010.

[Info] Kleinau, Elke, et al., eds. Kinder des Zweiten Weltkrieges: Stigmatisierung, Ausgrenzung, Bew ltigungsstrategie. Frankfurt/Main 2016.

[Info] Rouquet, Fran ois, et al., eds. Amours, guerres et sexualit 1914-1945. Paris 2007.

[Info] Santarelli, Lidia. L'armata s'agap : Violenza di guerra e discorso di genere nella memoria dell'occupazione italiana in Grecia. Terzo Congresso della Societ Italiana delle Storiche. Florence 2003.

[Info] Smith-Prei, Carrie, mod. »Confronting Wartime Rape in Post-1945 German Culture.« Fortieth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association. San Diego 2016.


[Info] Beck, Birgit. Vergewaltigung von Frauen als Kriegsstrategie im Zweiten Weltkrieg? Jahrbuch f r historische Friedensforschung 4 (1996): 34-50.

[Info] Grossmann, Atina. The Difficulty of Historicizing Rape and Sexual Violence: Victims, Resistors, and Liberators in World War II. Women s Bodies as Battlefields - Sexual Violence against Women in Wartime. Hamburg 2001.

[Info] Hern ndez, Jes s. Grandes atrocidades de la Segunda Guerra Mundial: Matanzas, asesinatos masivos y cr menes de guerra del Eje y los Aliados. C rdoba 2018.

[Info] Kraft, Claudia, et al., org. Sexual Violence in World War II . Bonn 2010.

[Info] Mochmann, Ingvill C., et al. The Children of the Occupations Born During the Second World War and Beyond An Overview. Historical Social Research 34 (2009): 263-282.

[Info] Mondot, Marina C. Totalitarianism and Total War: Sexual Trauma in WWII Europe. 10th Annual Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Student Conference. Redlands 2018.

[Info] M hlh user, Regina. Sex inbesitznehmende Gewalt im Zweiten Weltkrieg: Auf der Suche nach Geschichten. Zeit zu sprechen. 60 Jahre nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges: Sexualisierte Gewalt als Kriegserfahrung von Frauen damals und heute. Bonn 2005.

[Info] M hlh user, Regina. Sexual Desire, Antisemitic Hatred and Male Control: Testimonies about Acts of Sexual Violence at the Eastern Front during WWII. The Perpetration of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: Sources of Explanation. Hamburg 2010.

[Info] M hlh user, Regina. An allen Fronten: Der Umgang unterschiedlicher milit rischer Akteure mit sexueller Gewalt im Zweiten Weltkrieg im Vergleich. Forschungsstelle f r Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Universit t Z rich. Z rich 2012.

[Info] M hlh user, Regina. Sex and 'Total War': Sexuality and Sexual Violence in the Age of the World Wars. Gender, War and Culture: From the Age of the World Wars to the Cold War, Anti-colonial Struggle to the Wars of Globalization (1910s-present). Chapel Hill 2014.

[Info] M hlh user, Regina. At all Fronts: Sexual Violence by German, Japanese and Allied Soldiers during WW II. Against Our Will Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015.

[Info] M hlh user, Regina. Women, the Military and Sexual Violence in the Age of the World Wars. 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017.

[Info] Pet?, Andrea. Memory of Sexual Violence during WWII. Sexual Violence from the Holocaust to the Contemporary Security Agenda. Copenhagen 2015.

[Info] Poitras-Raymond, Chloé. »Preserving Reputation: The Methodological Challenges of Erasure in Military Archives (WWII).« 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023.

[Info] R ger, Maren, et al., eds. Women and Men at War: A Gender Perspective on World War II and its Aftermath in Central and Eastern Europe. Osnabr ck 2012.

[Info] Schwartz, Agatha. Creating Vocabularies of Rupture Through the Space of Postmemory: On Transnational and Transgenerational Data Collection About Wartime Rape 70 Years Later. Women's and Gender Studies et Recherches F ministes Conference. Regina 2018.

[Info] Strazza, Michele. Senza via di scampo. Gli stupri nelle guerre mondiali. Potenza 2010.

[Info] Th baud, Fran oise. Penser les guerres du xxe si cle partir des femmes et du genre. Quarante ans d historiographie. Clio No. 39 (2014): 157-182.

Austrian Victims

[Info] Kaiser, Marie, et al. Methodological specifics of participative research on Children Born of War in the European historical context: An investigation and comparison of German, Austrian and Norwegian Children of World War II. Interdisciplinary perspectives on Children Born of War from World War II to current conflict settings. Hannover 2015.

[Info] Lueger-Schuster, Brigitte, et al. Sexual violence by occupational forces during and after World War II: Influence of experiencing and witnessing of sexual violence on current mental health in a sample of elderly Austrians. International Psychogeriatrics 24 (2012): 1354-1358.

[Info] Lueger-Schuster, Brigitte. Wartime Rape: Influence on Current Mental Health in a Sample of Elderly Austrians. V World Congress on Traumatic Stress. Mexico City 2012.

[Info] Stelzl-Marx, Barbara, et al., eds. Besatzungskinder: Die Nachkommen alliierter Soldaten in sterreich und Deutschland. Vienna 2015.

Belgian Victims

[Info] Majerus, Beno t, et al. Occupation et violences sexuelles en Europe (1914-1945). Les violences sexuelles: approches historiques (XVIe-XXIe si cle) - Sexuelle Gewalt und Geschichtswissenschaft (16.-21. Jahrhundert). Paris 2008.

German Victims

[Info] Assmann, Aleida. Zur (Un-)Vereinbarkeit von Leid und Schuld in der deutschen Erinnerung. Zeitgeschichte 33 (2006): 68-77.

[Info] Azoulay, Ariella. The Natural History of Rape. Journal of Visual Culture 17 (2018): 166-176.

[Info] Beer, Mathias. Die Stunde der Frauen : Graf von Krockow revisited. Genderaspekte in der Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit. Edited by August H. Leugers-Scherzberg et al. Saarbr cken 2014: 233-261.

[Info] B hmer, Martina. Erfahrungen sexualisierter Gewalt in der Lebensgeschichte alter Frauen. Ans tze f r eine frauenorientierte Altenarbeit. Sozial Extra 36 (2012): 29-31.

[Info] Camarade, H l ne. Le viol des femmes allemandes en 1944-1945: Un tabou transgress dans les journaux intimes et les romans ? T moigner No. 113 (2012): 99-111.

[Info] Carron, Danielle. Beseitigt: Abortion as a Response to Rape in post-WWII Germany. 26th International Conference of Europeanists. Madrid 2019.

[Info] Eckstaedt, Anita. Vergewaltigung und Flucht w hrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges und die Wiederkehr des Verdr ngten bei einer deutschen Frau in der dritten Generation. Unverlierbare Zeit: Psychosoziale Sp tfolgen des Nationalsozialismus bei Nachkommen von Opfern und T tern. Edited by Kurt Gr nberg et al. T bingen 2001: 57-81.

[Info] Eichhorn, Svenja. Posttraumatische Belastung deutscher Frauen nach sexualisierter Kriegsgewalt am Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Diplomarbeit, Universit t Greifswald, 2009.

[Info] Eichhorn, Svenja, et al. Das Geheimnis unserer Gro m tter. Eine empirische Studie ber sexualisierte Kriegsgewalt um 1945. Gie en 2011.

[Info] Eichhorn, Svenja, et al. Bew ltigungsstrategien und wahrgenommene soziale Unterst tzung bei deutschen Langzeit berlebenden der Vergewaltigungen am Ende des II. Weltkriegs. Psychiatrische Praxis 39 (2012): 169-173.

[Info] Eichhorn, S., et al. Readiness to reconcile and post-traumatic distress in German survivors of wartime rapes in 1945. International Psychogeriatrics (January 2015).

[Info] Garraio, J lia. The Western way is the German way: Contemporary German films revisit allied wartime violence. Filologia, Mem ria e Esquecimento. Edited by Fernanda Mota Alves et al. Ribeir o 2010.

[Info] Garraio, J lia. Os limites da representa o: A viola o da mulher alem na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Coimbra 2011.

[Info] Garraio, J lia. Erinnern, ausw hlen, vergessen, verschweigen, rekonfigurieren, in Frage stellen: Die deutsche Literatur und das Ged chtnis der sexuellen Gewalt im Zweiten Weltkrieg. R ckblicke, Ausblicke: 20 Jahre APEG. Lisbon 2013.

[Info] Garraio, J lia. Die deutsche Literatur und das Ged chtnis der sexuellen Gewalt im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Vom Experiment zur Neuorientierung: Forschungswege der Germanistik im 21. Jahrhundert. Edited by Ana M. Bernardo et al. Berlin 2017: 35-51.

[Info] Gebhardt, Miriam. Eine Frage des Schweigens? Forschungsthesen zur Vergewaltigung deutscher Frauen nach Kriegsende. Besatzungskinder: Die Nachkommen alliierter Soldaten in sterreich und Deutschland. Edited by Barbara Stelzl-Marx et al. Vienna 2015: 62-91.

[Info] Grenz, Sabine. (Ent-)Tabuisiertes Erz hlen: Sexuelle Gewalt an deutschen Frauen am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Geschlecht als Tabu: Orte, Dynamiken und Funktionen der De/Thematisierung von Geschlecht. Bielefeld 2008: 171-185.

[Info] Grossmann, Atina. The Politics of Sexuality, Abortion, and Rape in the Immediate Aftermath of National Socialism and World War II. 108th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. San Francisco 1994.

[Info] Grossmann, Atina. "The Big Rape": Sex and Sexual Violence, War and Occupation in Post-World War II German Memory and Imagination. The History of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones. Iowa City 2006.

[Info] Grossmann, Elena. The Silent Aftermath of the Second World War: Ethical Loneliness of Rape Survivors. Bachelor Thesis, Malm University, 2020.

[Info] Heinemann, Christoph, et al. "Keine Selbstverst ndlichkeit, deutsche Opfer zu benennen". Vergewaltigungen im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Interview (2015).

[Info] Kahle, Ingo, et al. 70. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes. Das Leid der Frauen. Zw lfzweiundzwanzig (2015).

[Info] Kaiser, Marie, et al. Methodological specifics of participative research on Children Born of War in the European historical context: An investigation and comparison of German, Austrian and Norwegian Children of World War II. Interdisciplinary perspectives on Children Born of War from World War II to current conflict settings. Hannover 2015.

[Info] Kaiser, Marie, et al. Psychosoziale Konsequenzen des Aufwachsens als Besatzungskind in Deutschland. Besatzungskinder: Die Nachkommen alliierter Soldaten in sterreich und Deutschland. Edited by Barbara Stelzl-Marx et al. Vienna 2015: 39-61.

[Info] Kleinau, Elke, et al. Wehrmachts- und Besatzungskinder: Zwischen Stigmatisierung und Integration. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 65 (2015): 34-40.

[Info] Kuwert, Philipp, et al. Sexualisierte Gewalt im II. Weltkrieg. Resonanz auf eine Studienank ndigung als Kaleidoskop deutscher Ans tze zur Erinnerungskultur. Trauma & Gewalt 4 (2010): 68-73.

[Info] Kuwert, Philipp, et al. Subjective Identity aspects in former German Children Born of World War II. Interdisciplinary perspectives on Children Born of War from World War II to current conflict settings. Hannover 2015.

[Info] Leochko, Crystal. Acknowledgement or Avoidance? German-Canadian Immigrant Women's Memories of National Socialism. M.A. Thesis, University of Manitoba, 2009.

[Info] M hlh user, Regina. Sexual Violence in Germany 1945: Discourses of National Victimization and Individual Memories of Rape Victims. Women s Bodies as Battlefields - Sexual Violence against Women in Wartime. Hamburg 2001.

[Info] Nandi, C. Kriegstraumata und PTBS bei deutschen Kriegs berlebenden. Nervenarzt (May 2013).

[Info] Parkinson, Rhiannon. The Complexity of Victimhood: Understanding Mass Rape in Occupied Germany. War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016.

[Info] Satjukow, Silke. Besatzungskinder . Nachkommen deutscher Frauen und alliierter Soldaten seit 1945. Geschichte und Gesellschaft 37 (2011): 559-591.

[Info] Satjukow, Silke, et al. Bankerte! Besatzungskinder in Deutschland nach 1945. Frankfurt/Main 2015.

[Info] Schmidt-Harzbach, Ingrid. Doppelt besiegt: Vergewaltigung als Massenschicksal. Frankfurter Frauenblatt (1985): 18-23.

[Info] Schwartz, Agatha. Trauma, Resilience, and Identity Construction: Narratives of Germans Born of Wartime Rape. Lecture held at Bishop s University. Lennoxville 2018.

[Info] Schwartz, Agatha. Not Supposed to Be Born? Narrative Constructions of Identity in Children Born of Rape in Post-WWII Germany and Post-Conflict Bosnia. 26th International Conference of Europeanists. Madrid 2019.

[Info] Stelzl-Marx, Barbara, et al., eds. Besatzungskinder: Die Nachkommen alliierter Soldaten in sterreich und Deutschland. Vienna 2015.

[Info] Teegen, Frauke, et al. Traumatische Lebenserfahrungen und heutige Belastungsst rungen pflegebed rftiger alter Menschen. Zeitschrift f r Gerontopsychologie und -psychiatrie 16 (2003): 77-91.

Hungarian Victims

[Info] Kontogeorgi, Theodora. The Rape of Women in the Greek Prose of the Second World War, German Occupation and Greek Civil War: A Stigmatic Representation of Victimisation and Gender Difference. Violence and Politics: Ideologies, Identities, Representations. Edited by Antonios Ampoutis et al. Newcastle upon Tyne 2018: 252-268.

Italian Victims

[Info] Frezza, Daria, et al. Memorie rimosse: La violenza sulle donne durante la seconda guerra mondiale nel Basso Lazio. Terzo Congresso della Societ Italiana delle Storiche. Florence 2003.

[Info] Galantino, Maria G. War Violence and Public Memory: Narratives on the Mass Rapes of World War II in Italy. The Violence of War: Experiences and Images of Conflict. London 2014.

[Info] Ponzani, Michela. Guerra alle donne: Partigiane, vittime di stupro, amanti del nemico , 1940 45. Turin 2012.

[Info] Porzio, Maria. Arrivano gli alleati! Amori e violenze nell Italia liberata. Rome 2011.

Lithuanian Victims

[Info] Blum, Alain, et al. Le h ros et la martyre ou le viol effac (Lituanie 1944-2000). Clio No. 39 (2014): 105-128.

Polish Victims

Representations: Literary Texts: Romain Gary, W. S. Kuniczak, Eva Mekler, Ruta Sepetys, Janina Surynowa-Wycz ?kowska,

Russian Victims

[Info] Rebrova, Irina. Russian Women about the War: A Gender Analysis of Ego-Documents. Women and Men at War: A Gender Perspective on World War II and its Aftermath in Central and Eastern Europe. Edited by Maren R ger et al. Osnabr ck 2012: 263-280.

[Info] Rebrova, Irina. Women's Traumatic Experience at World War II: the Soviet case. Kaleidoscope 9 (2014): 182-193.